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坐诊医院: 北京圣贝医院口腔整形科
发布时间:2020-08-28 00:12:57  浏览次数:733
北京圣贝医院口腔整形科——简海兹个人简介: 北京圣贝口腔医院专家 简海兹(Dr.JeanHaziza) 简海兹博士,法国口腔种植修复专家,法国图卢兹圣保罗大学种植学硕士。在法国,意大利,


北京圣贝口腔医院专家 简·海兹(Dr.JeanHaziza)


Dr Jean Haziza is a graduate of the University of Toulouse, France in 1994. There he received his Master degree in Implantology. After France, Italy and Vietnam he works at Pearl Dental as an Oral Implantologist Consultant exclusively, Mentor for the Nobel Biocare Mentorship Program, he was lecturer in numerous dental implant meetings with live surgery in Asia and even in the prestigious New-York University and Beijing XieHe Hospital. His field is the Computer-Assisted Implantology with several publications and clinical researches in process. He invented a radiological implant planning technique, a laboratory implant bridge technique, a guided implant surgery technique, a laboratory implant guide technique.Dr Jean teaches dental implants to the doctors in post-graduate programs like the Nobel Biocare mentorship program, or at Beijing XieHe hospital (known to be the best hospital in China), at HuaXi university in Chengdu, at the annual congress of the Chinese Implantology Committee (which is the most important event about implants in China)-

教授参加研究生项目的医生口腔种植课程,如诺贝尔Biocare导师项目,北京协和医院(中国著名的顶级医院),成都华西大学,中国种植委员会年会(中国最重要的种植会议) 高端手术闻名,同时也擅长对有美学要求的患者进行种植修复的高端手术。简海兹 博士在图卢兹大学是获得过诸多荣誉(其撰写的论文分别获得金牌,银牌)以及在诺科保世界演讲之旅新加坡站获得最佳病历报告奖。

he is known not only for advanced surgery but also for advanced implant restorations for the patients who want the best aesthetic result以He got some Awards at the University of Toulouse (Gold Medal, and Silver Medal of the University), and an Award for the Best Case Report Senior Doctor, at the Nobel Biocare World Tour in Singapore.


靳玉彪 肖连永 徐鲁 王传凯 李迎春 唐浩 唐道臣 高红侠 张清峰 李鹏超