

发布时间:2022-11-17 20:03:01   浏览次数:289

RT 是一首英文歌 歌词里面有my queen my queen 是一个女声歌曲 节奏有点偏慢摇 节奏感比较强这个?Ane Brun - Queen And K
RT 是一首英文歌 歌词里面有my queen my queen 是一个女声歌曲 节奏有点偏慢摇 节奏感比较强这个?Ane Brun - Queen And KingYou were my queen
My queen, my everything
When you reigned, I followed
Oh where is your queendom todayYou were my king
My king, my everything
I obeyed and I bowed
Oh where is your kingdom todayYour love was my air
And my air was yours already
Love is all that I had
To bring to my queen and kingI looked up at you
You looked down on me
Winner now of your hand
Wipe your tears
My queen is deadYour worst mistake has walls
They can not be moved, not (?)
No one moves a brick wall
With their hands, only with their heartsTell me now how this works
King and queen
When it hurts
Do a bow and follow
Do I (spread) my wings and fly
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