

发布时间:2020-07-27 14:30:03   浏览次数:333

华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院简介 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院始建于1866年,是扎根武汉历史最悠久的一所集医疗、教学、科研于一体的国家卫生健康委员会直管的大型综合性

       医院由本部、西院区、肿瘤中心和金银湖国际医院(在建)组成,编制床位5000张,年门急诊量570.3万人次、住院量22.7万人次,手术量12.1万台次,主要医疗指标稳居国内前列。其中心脏移植连续5年领跑全国,心肺联合移植术、心脏移植术、连体婴儿分离术、骨髓移植、腔镜下巨结肠切除术、细胞治疗等居国内领先水平。医院现有职工8000余人,其中,高级职称600余人,享受国务院政府津贴专家96人,双聘院士5人、国家杰出青年基金获得者7人、教育部“长江学者”8人(含青年长江3人)、国家“百千万人才工程”3人、国家万人计划领军人才2人、卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家12人,博导204人、硕导568人。拥有10个国家重点(培育)学科和25个国家临床重点专科,15个专科挂靠湖北省质控中心,形成具有广泛影响的优势学科群。配置PET-MR、PET-CT、达芬奇机器人、射波刀等高端医疗设备,率先将混合现实信息技术、人工生物角膜等应用于临床手术实践。此外,医院拥有教育部重点实验室1个、卫生部重点实验室1个、省级重点实验室2个。连续5年中标国家自然基金数100余项,居国内医疗机构前三。4项成果获国家科技进步二等奖。近年来,医院加大国际化进程,与德、英、美、日等20 多个国家和地区建立了广泛的交流协作关系。

Brief introduction of Wuhan Union Hospital

    Union  Hospital  Affiliated  with  Tongji  Medical  College  of  Huazhong  University  of  Science  and  Technology  (also  known  as  Wuhan  Union  Hospital)  was founded  in  1866,  and  is  a  major  general  hospital  under  National  Health  and  Family  Planning  Commission.  Over  the  past  150  years,  the  Hospital  has  won  a worldwide reputation for its ability to provide full range of medical services and solid technical strength. It was among the first “Class-A Hospitals” recognized by Ministry of Health and among China’s TOP 100 Hospitals. The Hospital also hosts Hubei Emergency Center, Hubei Telemedicine Center and Research Center for Postgraduate Medical Education. It has won a number of national awards for management excellence. The Hospital has passed the re-assessment for the title of “Class-A Class Hospital” in 2015.
    The Hospital consists of the Hospital proper, West Campus, Cancer Center and Jinyinhu Hospital (planned), is equipped with a total of 5,000 beds. In terms  of  the  main performance measures,  the  Hospital  is  among  top  general hospitals  in  China: The  Outpatient visits  reached 5.7 million; the  hospital treated 227,000 inpatients and 121,000 patients recovered after operation. The Hospital is taking lead nation-wide in a wide array of medical treatments or technologies,including heart transplantation, conjoined twins separation, bone marrow transplantation, endoscope-assisted megacolon resection surgery and one-stop CHD hybrid surgery.
    By august 2016, the hospital has about 7900 staff members, among whom 595 are medical experts with senior professional titles, including 5 double-appointment academicians, 1 chief scientist of the 973 National Program, 3 specially-appointed professors with the title “Yangtze River Scholar” awarded by the Ministry of Education, 12 professors with the title of “Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions” awarded by Ministry of Health, 6 winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 95 experts who have won special allowance form the State Council. It also has 10 key national disciplines (including key disciplines with national support), 25 key national clinic specialties (top 5 in terms of quantity in China), 8 departments and 23 teaching and research sections, 2 doctoral programs of level-1 disciplines, 23 doctoral programs of level-2 disciplines; 189 on-the-job Ph D. supervisors, 524 master supervisors; 1 key laboratory under Ministry of Education and 2 provincial key laboratory. Six National Progress Awards in Science and Technology were rewarded to its scientific research results.
    In recent years, Wuhan Union Hospital has been increasingly going global, actively engaging in cooperation and academic exchange with more than 20 countries including Germany, Britain, USA and Japan.In the spirit of “Love, service to people and harmony”, over the past 150 year, Wuhan Union people, with their dedication and professionalism, have been striving for the better health of the public. With National Clinical Research Center, National Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Difficult and Complicated Disease, National Training Center for Medical Technology under construction, the Hospital, is now embarking on a new strategic journey of “Healthy China” and will build an even more splendid future.
深圳鹏爱医疗美容医院 广州紫馨美容医院 合肥壹加壹美容医院 南京华美美容医院 南昌鹏爱整形美容医院 苏州维多利亚美容医院 杭州格莱美医疗美容医院 武汉伽美医疗美容医院 重庆华美整形美容医院 重庆天妃整形美容医院 深圳阳光整形美容医院 上海华美医疗美容医院 广州海峡整形美容医院 北京伊美尔医疗美容医院 广州曙光医学美容医院 成都美容整形医院 河南整形美容医院 杭州同欣整形美容医院 郑州悦美整形美容医院 济南美容整形医院 重庆当代整形美容医院 合肥壹加壹整形美容医院 惠州鹏爱医疗美容医院 湛江华美整形美容医院 西安美立方整形美容医院 青岛博士医学美容医院 上海华美整形美容医院 上海鹏爱医疗美容医院
首屏 丰胸手术过程 丰胸怎么做 丰胸多少钱 整形丰胸医院 无痕隆胸手术 上海隆胸 北京丰胸医院 深圳隆胸医院 专业隆胸 胸部